Nouage is a French translation for the word binding.
Now that Object.observe starts being available in various JS runtimes, data-binding libraries can be standalone. For years, we have used Backbone-like models that publish events when changes happen, or Angular-like digest loops with dirty-checking. These were necessary complications to achieve data-binding in the browser as JavaScript didn't have any official way to watch for changes in data structures, until Object.obsreve. Nouage is a library that leverages Object.observe to provide a way to achieve two-way data-binding.
Note that if you're into immutable data structure, this isn't for you ;)
Beta. The API should be stable.
npm install nouage
var nouage = require('nouage');
More to come...
###0.0.3-beta - 28 JUNE 2015
- Fix memleak with data-foreach
###0.0.2-beta - 28 JUNE 2015
- Fix tests and remove unused code