
This project aims to introduce you to the wonderful world of virtualization. You will create your first machine in VirtualBox (or UTM if you can’t use VirtualBox) under specific instructions. Then, at the end of this project, you will be able to set up your own operating system while implementing strict rules.

📝 Peer Evaluations:

Evaluated by m*****: 100%
🗣️ "A very well realized project and Carlos was able to answer every question and explain each facet involved in a way that showed his knowledge for this project, Good job and good luck for the next evaluations."

Evaluated by j*****: 100%
🗣️ "Everything was working fine and the script was really well made, Carlos was able to explain everything he did to setup this virtual machine and very step he took to achieve success, congrats and keep the hard work!"

Evaluated by j*****: 50%
🗣️ "The project and explanation was super awesome, but the port 68 is open, and is implicitly required to be closed and to use static IPs instead of relying on dynamic IPs."