When IBAN validation is not enough.
- IBAN and BIC validation (using
, IBAN control digits calculator function). - National account digits control validation (currently only ES and PT are included, others countries can be added).
- IBAN fixing (global and national control digits).
- Associated tags to countries (currently only SEPA and FIXED_CHECK tags are available).
- BICs mapping from IBAN bank code part: COUNTRY + BANK => BIC code.
- Currently, static data only includes some ES banks, PRs are welcomed.
- Optional database model to allow apps to dynamically add new BICs mapping.
- Random IBANs generator
- IBAN validator: add IBAN validation to your models.
validates :iban, iban: true
You can also validate that IBAN is from a SEPA country.
validates :iban, iban: { tags: [:sepa] }
- BIC validator: add BIC validation to your models.
validates :bic, bic: true
You can specify the country field in the record to enforce its inclusion in the given BIC.
validates :bic, bic: { country: :pais }
- IBAN control digits calculation
=> 87
- IBAN parsing
=> {"country"=>"ES", "iban_check"=>"87", "bank"=>"0003", "branch"=>"0000", "check"=>"30", "account"=>"0000000000"}
- IBAN fixing (IBAN control digits and country control digits, if that code is available)
=> "ES8700030000300000000000"
- BIC calculation (bank code must be in the static file or in the database)
- Pattern generation for SQL LIKE queries.
IbanBic.like_pattern("ES8700030000300000000000", :country, :bank)
=> "ES__0003________________"
IbanBic.like_pattern_from_parts(country: "ES", bank: "0003")
=> "ES__0003________________"
- Random IBAN generation
require "iban_bic/random"
=> true
=> "MU52BOIR2768144336487102000AWQ"
IbanBic.random_iban country: "ES"
=> "ES6111051493192369291292"
IbanBic.random_iban tags: [:sepa]
=> "FI5584518206233159"
IbanBic.random_iban not_tags: [:sepa]
=> "IL317532867920826062774"
Note: It can't generate a valid IBAN code for some countries where iban check digits are fixed if validation code for that country is not available.
- Add this line to your application's Gemfile
gem "iban_bic"
- Update bundle
$ bundle
- If you will use this gem for BIC calculations or want to add additional country control codes validations, choose from any of the following two options to run the installer:
3.a. Using BICs dynamic data from database
Add a bics
table to your database and an initializer file for configuration:
$ bundle exec rails generate iban_bic:install
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate
Load static data to the created bics
$ bundle exec rake iban_bic:load_data
3.b. Using static data from YAML files
Create an initializer file for configuration:
$ bundle exec rails generate iban_bic:install --with-static-data
- Customize initializer if needed, adding validations for new countries, or overriding YAML files.
- Support for Rails 5.2.
- Fixed validators to avoid failing when values are
- Dependencies security update.
- Fixed BIC validation, don't allow less 1 or 2 characters for the office code and don't allow to add extra characters at the begining or at the end of the string.
- BIC validation moved from BIC model to an independent validator.
- Added BIC format validation in BIC model.
- Added
method. Not a very performant version. - Fixed portuguese IBAN validation.
- Added
- Added presence validations in BIC model.
Added IBAN fixing and random IBAN generator.
Changed country checks, they must change check parts to generate the correct IBAN. Comparison against the original IBAN is made by the caller.
- First version.
Issues and PRs are welcomed.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.