
Code repository of Effective Robotics Programming with ROS- Third Edition by Packt

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

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Effective Robotics Programming with ROS - Third Edition

This is the code repository for Effective Robotics Programming with ROS - Third Edition, published by Packt. It contains all the supporting project files necessary to work through the book from start to finish.

Instructions and Navigations

All of the code is organized into folders. Each folder starts with a number followed by the application name. For example, B05576_02_Code.

The code will look like the following:

    image: map.pgm
    resolution: 0.050000
    origin: [-50.000000, -50.000000, 0.000000]
    negate: 0
    occupied_thresh: 0.65
    free_thresh: 0.196 

Software requirements:

  • Ubuntu 16.04LTS, Ubuntu 16.04 armhf

     * ROS Kinetic, Docker, and Virtualbox: http://www.ros.org/
     * ROS Kinetic and Arduino IDE: http://www.arduino.cc/

Related Products:


Chapter 1 does not have code files.

###Suggestions and Feedback [Click here] ( https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe5qwunkGf6PUvzPirPDtuy1Du5Rlzew23UBp2S-P3wB-GcwQ/viewform ) if you have any feedback or suggestions.


Additional packages needed:

sudo apt-get install python3-rosinstall python3-rosdep
sudo apt-get install python-yaml
# To fix some bugs on Ubuntu 20.04
# From https://answers.ros.org/question/39657/importerror-no-module-named-rospkg/?answer=363168#post-id-363168
sudo apt install python-is-python3
# These two packages are for gazebo, installed by default
# sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-gazebo-ros ros-noetic-gazebo-ros-control
# For nanosleep.c - gazebo was throwing error otherwise?
sudo apt install glibc-source
# For robot navigation
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-teleop-twist-keyboard
# For fake localization for the Chapter 4 demo
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-fake-localization ros-noetic-map-server
# For move base msgs
sudo apt install ros-noetic-move-base-msgs ros-noetic-amcl ros-noetic-move-base

Creating a workspace:

mkdir –p ~/dev/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/dev/catkin_ws/src

Building a package:

# Creates package
catkin_create_pkg chapter2_tutorials std_msgs roscpp
# Build package
# To install it, from catkin_ws$
source devel/setup.sh
# Chapter 4L Incorrect apostrophes around the launch command
roslaunch robot1_gazebo gazebo.launch model:="`rospack find robot1_description`/urdf/robot1_base_03.xacro"

To get gazebo with a robot and then sensors (camera/laser):

# gazebo (might take a while to start)
roslaunch robot1_gazebo gazebo_wg.launch
# Rviz for visualization
# if you are adding a camera/laser make sure to choose appropriate frame of reference
roslaunch rviz rviz
# For keyboard control of the robot
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py
$ roslaunch chapter5_tutorials gazebo_xacro.launch model:="`rospack find chapter5_tutorials`/urdf/robot1_base_04.xacro"
# includes rviz and a map
$ roslaunch chapter5_tutorials gazebo_mapping_robot.launch model:="`rospack find chapter5_tutorials`/urdf/robot1_base_04.xacro"
$ rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py

Visual Odometry