
My dotfiles and some other stuff.

Primary LanguageTeX

What's this

My config and dotfiles. Focused on function over form.



Here are some things that have been configured.

  • LaTeX macros and styles for beamer and notes. (texmf/.../mystyle.sty)
  • Okular vi-like bindings. (.config/okular/keybinds.shortcuts)
  • nvim is pretty good
  • XMonad is pretty good
  • Vifm sixel preview with XTerm

Stuff used

These are the stuff that you might want to install, and are configured in here.

  • XTerm
  • XMonad XMobar
  • vifm
  • nvim
    • Plug
    • pylint, clang, etc. for linting
  • Okular (keybinds in .config/okular)
  • feh
  • xbindkeys xmodmap xinput
  • latex things


Run ./setup.sh. This script helps you make symbolic links to the files in the repo. Probably useful only for a clean config. Otherwise, copy and paste is the only other way.