
Working towards a Pods code library and improved documentation.


  • Create an easy to contribute to code library for Pods.io
  • Automatically populate Pods documentation from inline documentation in code.
  • Open source and document the process to help others in the WordPress community do this.


Each root folder except /resources and /example is the post type. /resources contains images and other resources that are uploaded to the server while /examples contains code examples to be used as partials.

Wordpress post files are generated out of .md or .html files, partials are always skipped.


@partial(/path/to/file) import a file with a full path.

@partial(./relative/to/current/file) import a file relative to the current file.

Pages /pages

Post type: page

Learn /learn

Custom post type: ???

Tutorials /tutorials

Custom post type: tutorial

Cookbook /cookbook

Custom post type: cookbook-recipe

Examples /examples

Custom post type: example

Installing Locally

Before Installing

Installing locally requires nodejs, Grunt and npm.

  • You can download a packaged installer for nodejs at: http://nodejs.org/download/

  • Once nonejs is installed, you can install grunt and npm from the Terminal: $ npm install -g grunt-cli

For more information see: http://gruntjs.com/getting-started


  • Clone this repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/pods-framework/pods-code-library-generator.git

  • Change into its directory: $ cd pods-code-library-generator

  • Change config.sample.json to config.json $ mv config.sample.json config.json

  • Update npm $ npm update

  • Run Grunt $ grunt