
Small Caml Light language featuring type inference, code transformations and a module system

Primary LanguageOCaml

      ___           ___           ___                       ___           ___     
     /\  \         /\  \         /\__\          ___        /\__\         /\  \    
    /::\  \       /::\  \       /:/  /         /\  \      /::|  |       /::\  \   
   /:/\:\  \     /:/\:\  \     /:/  /          \:\  \    /:|:|  |      /:/\:\  \  
  /::\~\:\  \   /:/  \:\  \   /:/  /  ___      /::\__\  /:/|:|  |__   /::\~\:\  \ 
 /:/\:\ \:\__\ /:/__/ \:\__\ /:/__/  /\__\  __/:/\/__/ /:/ |:| /\__\ /:/\:\ \:\__\
 \/__\:\ \/__/ \:\  \ /:/  / \:\  \ /:/  / /\/:/  /    \/__|:|/:/  / \:\~\:\ \/__/
      \:\__\    \:\  /:/  /   \:\  /:/  /  \::/__/         |:/:/  /   \:\ \:\__\  
       \/__/     \:\/:/  /     \:\/:/  /    \:\__\         |::/  /     \:\ \/__/  
                  \::/  /       \::/  /      \/__/         /:/  /       \:\__\    
                   \/__/         \/__/                     \/__/         \/__/    


Make sure ocamlbuild is installed. Then just type make

How to use:

By default ./fouine is an interpretor. To use it type ./fouine. Several options are available:

  • -debug to pretty print the instructions after they are inputted, or complementary informations when compiling.
  • -nocoloration to deactivate the syntax coloration. It is activated by default.
  • -noinference to deactivate type inference (activated by default)
  • -interm FILE to save the compiled code in the file FILE
  • -o FILE to save transformed code in a file
  • -R to activate the transformation suppressing references
  • -E to activate the cps transformation (expressions are made by continuations)
  • ER to activate both transformations
  • -nobuildins to deactivate the buildins
  • -noinference to deactivate the inference
  • -machine (Z|S|J) if you want to compile your fouine file. Z|S|J determines for which machine it will be compiled. It is important to note that the different machines don't support pattern matching and constructors !
    • Z is a ZINC machine
    • S is a secd machine
    • J is a joint interpretation / secd machine. It will interpret the program until "pure" expressions (only made of arithmetical expressions) is found. It then switch to a secd machine for this expression.
  • a file can be passed to ./fouine. In that case, this file will be executed. Otherwise ./fouine will be launched under the repl mode

The script test.sh will test Fouine with the files found in the folder tests/


The syntax - and the functionnalities - are similar with Caml. Here is a summary:

  • Basic mathematical operators : +,-, /, *, =, <>, <, >, <=, >=, and, or, not.

    • Operators +,-, /, * have types int -> int-> int.
    • and, or, not have types bool-> bool-> bool and bool->bool
    • =, <>, <, >, <=, >= have types 'a->'a->int Depending on how the interpreter / compiler is launch, these operators are either buildins or not. With the option -nobuildins, or if it is compiled for a ZINC machine, then they aren't buildins. Otherwise they are : we can therefore change their behaviour by redefining +, *, ...
  • Branching: if condition then foo else bar. foo and bar must have the same type. Expressions like if cond then expr works only if expr is of type unit

  • Functions: fun a-> fun b -> expr is a two variables anonymous fonction

  • Affectation and variables:

    • let ident = exp in expression will affect to the identifier ident the value expr. let ident a b c = expr in expression is a shortcut for let ident = fun a-> fun b-> fun c->expr in expression. Expressions of the form let ident = expr are only accepted on the top level.
    • let rec ident = expr will behave almost identically as let ident = expr: expr is assigned to ident, but ident can be present in expr, thus allowing recursive functions.
  • References. References are almost likes pointer. They are mutable. We can access to the value of a reference with the operator !, and modify the value of a reference with := (type ref 'a -> 'a -> unit).

    let a = ref 6 in
    let _ = a := 8 in
    !a (* <- it is 8 *)
  • Underscore (_). It matches everything. These instructions are valid:

    • let _ = expr
    • let f x _ = x in f
  • Exceptions:

    • An exception can be emitted with the instruction raise n where n is an integer.
    • An exception can be caught with a bloc of the form try foo with E x -> bar. If x is a constant, then bar is executed only if foo raised an exception having x has value. Otherwise, bar is executed if foo raised an exception
  • array: integer fixed-length arrays can be created with the syntax makeArray n where n is the length. An element can be accessed with the syntax array.(index), and affected with array.(index) <- value

  • prInt: prInt expr will print expr and return the value expr. It has type int -> int

  • Files. The command open "file" will open a fouine file and will load its code as a module (functions declared in this file will be accessible with the syntax file.function. If the file doesn't exists, or if it contains a parsing error, the loaded code will be (). Beware: paths are relatives to the interpreter files

  • Tuples: (a, b, c) will create a three dimensionnal tuple. You can match on the elements: let x, y = 1, 2

  • Types and constructors

    • Declarations are like in Caml with the syntax: type ('a, ..., 'b) type_name = | Constr1 of (type_arguments1) .... | Constrn of (type_argumentsn)
    • Types are recursives: let 'a test = None of 'a test
    • Constructors aren't force to have arguments
  • Pattern matching: expression like let 0, (), (x, _), Constr y = .... or fun (x, Constr (a, b)) -> ... are valid. You can explicitely match a value with the syntax match expr with | pattern_1 -> expr1 | ... -> ... | pattern_n -> exprn. If expr matches with patterni, then expri will be executed

  • ;; are required at the end of an expression

  • We can redefined a number of operators (infix or prefix). The syntax is the same than in caml: let (@@) a b = ....

  • List: An empty list can be build with [], two list can be concatenated with @ and an element can be inserted to the front with ::. They are compatible with pattern matching (their definition is simply type 'a list = None | Elem of ('a * 'a list)). They are not working with compilation.

  • modules. A module can be defined as follow: module Test : sig ... end = struct .. end;;. Signatures can be also provided module type TestSig = sig type t;; type t2 = int;; val f : int -> int -> int end;; module Test : TestSig = struct type t = int;; let f a b = a + b;; end;; It is important to note that signatures only checks for the presence of the elements. They are not as powerfull as in OCaml.

  • Type constraints. Type constraints are working if no ref are presents. let f x : int = x;; int -> int let f (x : bool) = x;; bool -> bool ((fun x -> x) : int -> int)

  • Base types: 'a -> 'b, 'a ref, int array, int, bool

The constructors of our types have only an argument which is a tuple. From there, certains expressions which are not working in Caml are working in Fouine:

>>> type 'a ok = Machin of 'a;;
>>> let a = Machin 3;;
val a : int ok = Machin (3)
>>> let Machin b = a;;
val b : int = 3

Code transformations

Two types transformations can be applied. The first one will remove the references and simulate them using an array (transformation R) The second one do a cps transformation of the code (transformation E). Recursive functions are transformed using an Y-combinator. The two transformations can be applied at the same time (transformation ER). Typing errors can then appear because our fouine langage is converted into a subset of fouine very similar to lambda calculus. Therefore our typing system isn't powerfull enough to type these expressions. (but the same problem arise in Caml)


  • inference.ml: type inference
  • buildins.ml: buildins functions definition (apport from basic mathematical operators)
  • inference_old.ml: old type inference. Kept for archeleogical purposes
  • transformations.ml: code transformations
  • prettyprint.ml: fouine pretty printer
  • binop.ml: binary operators functions
  • shared.ml: buildins declarations and variables environments
  • types.ml: type definitions and utilities around types
  • commons.ml: file containing elements usefull everywhere in the code
  • errors.ml: errors les erreurs
  • file.ml: everything to deal with files
  • main.ml: repl, main and loading files
  • interpret.ml: interpreter
  • compilB.ml: fouine to SECD machine bytecode compilation
  • secdB.ml: to execute SECD bytecode
  • utils.ml: display, debug and utilities functions for the SECD simulator
  • bruijn.ml: De bruijn indices
  • dream.ml: environment used for the secd and the bruijn indices
  • expr.ml: declaration of the types used to define our ast
  • parser.mly, lexer.mll: parsing and lexing
  • bruijnZ.ml, compilZ.ml, secdZ.ml: de bruijn indices, compilation and simulation for a ZINC machine
  • jit.ml: mixed machine