
iOS only right now. We would happily accept an Android support pull request

Cordova plugin that integrates the Native Mixpanel SDK in your cordova application. Use it to track events, people, or revenue. You can also display in-app notifications or surveys.

It works with cordova-3.4.0+


  1. You can install it as part of cordova hooks.

  2. or just run the following in your project:

cordova plugin add


Make sure you call identify or createAlias with your mixpanel token found in your mixpanel settings first.

// Callbacks: s and f are success/failure callbacks respectively
// Strings: token, eventName, distinctId, alias
// JS Objects: properties
// Booleans: bool
Mixpanel.init(token, s, f)
Mixpanel.createAlias(alias, s, f)
Mixpanel.track(eventName, properties, s, f)
Mixpanel.identify(distinctId, s, f)
Mixpanel.peopleSet(properties, s, f)
Mixpanel.trackCharge(amount, s, f)
Mixpanel.trackChargeWithProperties(amount, properties, s, f)
Mixpanel.setShowNotificationOnActive(bool, s, f)
Mixpanel.showNotification(s, f)
Mixpanel.showNotificationWithID(id, s, f)
Mixpanel.setShowSurveyOnActive(bool, s, f)
Mixpanel.showSurvey(s, f)
Mixpanel.showSurveyWithID (id, s, f)

// Push Notifications
// Options: { badge: true, alert: true, sound: false}
Mixpanel.register(options, s, f)
Mixpanel.unregister(options, s, f)
Mixpanel.setApplicationIconBadgeNumber(badgeNumber, s, f)

document.addEventListener('mixpanel.push', function(event){})