
Dotfiles used internally at poetic

Primary LanguageVim Script


  • run git clone https://github.com/poetic/dotfiles.git ~/.poetic_dotfiles
  • ~/.poetic_dotfiles/install

After that you will need to do whats listed in the "Vim Setup" section to have the vim plugins properly installed

Our boxen configuration does this for us so I don't have a script to do it for you right now.

Vim Setup (optional)

To get powerline working with the arrow-like fonts you will need to install a patched font from the powerline fonts repo on github. Then set up your terminal profile to use this font


Prefix Key: Ctrl-A

Make your own customizations

Put your customizations in dotfiles appended with .local:

  • ~/.aliases.local
  • ~/.gitconfig.local
  • ~/.tmux.conf.local
  • ~/.vimrc.local
  • ~/.vimrc.bundles.local
  • ~/.zshrc.local


@jakecraige, @MatthewHager

Lots borrowed from Thoughtbot's Dotfiles(https://github.com/thoughtbot/dotfiles)

This is truely a compilation of lots of resources around the net into compiled together. If you find something you wrote within here let us know and we'll give you credit.
