- 0
- 3
- 6
- 1
interleaveMerge Stream
#20 opened by fbastian - 5
- 1
Wrong variable names in MinMaxProjectionTest
#40 opened by daveRanjan - 4
Additions to MapStream
#35 opened by tomwhoiscontrary - 1
- 3
- 4
The Adapter returned by the iterator() of the Spliterators fails with AggregatingSpliterator
#29 opened by hadrienk - 2
- 3
Making the last window available
#17 opened by WydD - 0
OSGi-fy the library
#22 opened by amitjoy - 1
smaller code - lombok
#21 opened by binkley - 3
- 4
Up-to-date documentation
#11 opened by jliuhtonen - 3
Re-organization of the classes
#14 opened by alexcrt - 3
Equivalent of partition in Clojure
#9 opened by alexcrt - 3
Release 1.2
#8 opened by jliuhtonen - 3
- 4
- 1
Index in zipWithIndex should be long
#3 opened by leventov - 1