
Trading crypto assets the old-fashioned way, bro!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Bro trading Ethereum

Trading crypto assets the old-fashioned way, bro! (aka by yelling over the phone at some rando)


Call +1 (909) 787-BRO8 to try it out. Note: No real ETH or BTC is being traded on this number (and I disabled the phone number security check). It's just to try out the interface.

At the prompt, tell it to "BUY BUY BUY" or "Sell right now!"


You can say any phrase you want as long as they include a command word:

  • BUY - will buy crypto
  • SELL - will sell crypto
  • wait or hold - will wait three seconds before next prompt

If you don't give a command after two seconds, the call will end. GOTTA BE FAST, BRO


Before getting started, you need the following setup:


Create a file in the root directory called .env

You'll need to add the following config options:

  • CLOUD_ROOT - the root URL for your cloud function project
    • Example: https://us-central1-MY-DOPE-PROJECT.cloudfunctions.net/
  • GDAX_PASS_PHRASE - The passphrase that was used to create your GDAX API key
  • GDAX_API_SECRET - Your GDAX API key secret
  • TRADE_PRODUCT_ID - What you're trading. Can be ETH-USD or BTC-USD
  • TRADE_USD_COST - The amount of USD that will be sold/bought for each trade
  • OWNER_PHONE - Telephone number of the owner (to prevent unathorized trades)

Next, you'll need to deploy both of the cloud functions. That'll look something like this:

gcloud beta functions deploy hello --entry-point hello --stage-bucket <YOUR CLOUD BUCKET HERE> --trigger-http

gcloud beta functions deploy command --entry-point command --stage-bucket <YOUR CLOUD BUCKET HERE> --trigger-http

Then, when both functions are done deploying, paste the URL for the "hello" function you just deployed into the Configure settings for your Twilio number Twilio configure

You're good to go!


  • Tests
  • Specify amounts during trades (Ex: BUY 100!)
  • Finish up text messaging and refactor (Currently located on messaging branch)
  • Have some error messages if stuff goes wrong