
📝 Just a simple todo cli app made in Rust.

Primary LanguageRust

Super simple CLI todo app written in Rust


This is an app that I made just to practise writing Rust. It does not invent anything new. Just a silly little todo app.


Add a task to the list:
todo-cli-app a/add "this is a task"

List tasks:
todo-cli-app l/list

Remove a task from the list:
todo-cli-app d/delete 1


  • Adding tasks (saving task into a file)
  • Listing tasks (reading tasks from a file)
  • Deleting tasks (removing task from a file)
  • Showing help message (best feature!!)

todo (todo in todo app repo how ironic)

  • Have fun learning Rust and Git
  • !!! Make the app arg-based instead of menu-based
  • More features, for example, urgency and being able to mark tasks as done
  • Formal language (? not sure)
  • Optimisation?.. I don't know what else to put