
An awesome list of date engineering, but without noise

MIT LicenseMIT


An awesome list of date engineering, but without noise

Data Catalogs

The Catalog of Data Catalogs


The Catalog of ETL and EL-T tools

Reverse ETL

Sync data from the DWH back into operational systems like Salesforce, Hubspot

The Catalog of Reverse ETL tools

  • Hightouch
  • Census
  • Grouparoo

The T in ELT

  • DBT
  • Dataform (GCP only)

SQL IDE as a service

  • PopSQL
  • aginity
  • Querybook

DB documentation

Schema migration tools

  • Flyway
  • Liquibase

Data quality / observability / monitoring

The Catalog of Data Observability tools

Data Observability

  • Databand
  • Shipyard
  • DataKitchen

Data Monitoring

  • Monte Carlo

Data testing

  • Soda SQL
  • Great Expectations