- 10
Query not executed
#112 opened by justlunix - 2
If a query fails, the connection is broken
#109 opened by dadodasyra - 10
Thread crashing instead of returning errors.
#85 opened by Xd-pro - 5
Packets out of order
#101 opened by ZoumiSurGithub - 3
Add blob variable type.
#102 opened by Squashhh - 3
Virion Class Error
#99 opened by Amzy7 - 1
SleeperNotifier bug
#98 opened by Amzy7 - 3
- 1
#95 opened by royaljacques - 9
- 1
Server crashes on PHP 8.1 due to not declaring return type of JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize()
#87 opened by alvin0319 - 5
- 12
- 5
Data Loss in rows
#82 opened by UnknownOre - 3
- 5
Still causing lag
#81 opened by SCGamesNetwork - 1
MySQL SSL Connection
#80 opened by AkmalFairuz - 2
Add curl options
#79 opened by theohdg2 - 4
Sqlite crashes when `strlen(file) === 1`
#78 opened by Swift-Strider - 0
Repeating block
#70 opened by SOF3 - 2
Cannot register stored procedure
#68 opened by Ree-jp - 4
When I save data to array in wait function, data is returned as an empty string.
#67 opened by TrFolwe - 1
Incorrect PHPDoc
#65 opened by inxomnyaa - 1
New Class Loader changes
#62 opened by JustSxm - 5
- 3
- 0
Leverage query preparation
#58 opened by SOF3 - 0
Abolish the use of parameter escapes completely.
#57 opened by SOF3 - 1
How to install libasynql tell me plz!I am new
#53 opened by opnoice - 16
- 1
Pocketmine 4.0
#48 opened - 1
libasynql\base\QueueShutdownException: "You cannot schedule a query on an invalidated queue."
#46 opened by Endermanbugzjfc - 27
- 1
not saving onDisable() saves on crash
#43 opened by rjworks - 1
Where is the download link...
#42 opened by rjworks - 3
Warning: Unterminated comment starting line 31 in phar:///home/minecraft/plugins/DanBamPrison_v1.0.0.phar/src/hybrid/libs/poggit/libasynql/result/SqlChangeResult.php on line 31
#40 opened by rjworks - 1
#13 opened - 3
Check if the query is done?
#14 opened - 6
Add SQL Transaction
#35 opened by AkmalFairuz - 1
Race condition when creating a connection
#32 opened by dries-c - 0
Type juggling is not documented
#31 opened by SOF3 - 1
- 1
High CPU on Linux hosts only.
#22 opened by AlexPads - 0
Threaded::wait() isn't called in synchronized()
#15 opened by SOF3 - 3
What is this error?
#27 opened - 0
Bad exception message if not all dialects supported
#16 opened by SOF3 - 0
SQL CONNECT error: Access denied for user..
#21 opened by JustSxm - 7
MySQL server has gone away
#19 opened by Infernus101 - 7
SQLite3 Parameters
#12 opened by KielKing - 4
Cannot insert UUID into database
#11 opened