
Display function example plugin

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp



This program display examples of functions on other buffer.

This can be able to improve learning Emacs Lisp effectively.


Clone to your .emacs.d path.

git clone https://github.com/pogin503/r-like-example.git 

Install dependency.

M-x package-install f
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/path/to/r-like-example")

(use-package r-like-example

I recommend specially to use popwin.el.

M-x package-install popwin RET

Add below setting to your init.el

(push '("*example*" :position right :width 45 :stick t) popwin:special-display-config)

Basic Usage

Learning function usage

You type M-9 mapcar


keybind description
M-9 or s-9 Display examples
M-0 or s-0 Store function examples
C-c 0 a Add current cursor position S expression
C-c 0 i Insert examples data in current buffer
C-c 0 p Add current cursor position S expression into specific key
C-c 0 d Remove specific key example
C-c 0 u Display the key data of the unsaved to the mini-buffer

Basic Commands

Command ex-example

Dispaly function examples to *example* buffer.

Command ex-add-example

Add example on cursor position.

Command ex-insert-current-buffer

Insert example data like:

(ex-put-example 'type-of '("(type-of 1)"
"(type-of 'nil)"
"(type-of '())    ; () is nil."
"(type-of '(x)") t)

in current buffer.

Command ex-display-unstored-data

Display unstored example keys