Window tiling with +ArrowKeys on monitors of all sizes for GNOME Shell. Tile windows using + Arrow Keys. Repeated commands refine the tiling and +Enter moves to another monitor.
State: Usable as in "does not crash". The algorithm and settings need refinement though.
- gnome js architecture: Mutter is responsible for window APIs
- Gtk Window docs which allow guesses how the js API might look like
Development with nix
package manager:
- build into
withnix build .#ctile
- symlink
ln -s $(pwd)/result/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
- only once: Enable extension via cmdline
gnome-extensions enable
- Start nested gnome session for testing:
dbus-run-session -- gnome-shell --nested --wayland
- Test on main session:
- log out and in (to load new extension version)
- output at:
journalctl -f -o cat /usr/bin/gnome-shell
- hook mouse move/resize to reset WindowState
Ctile was forked from lundal/tactile but adapts the tiling to act as pogobanane/xfce-ctile.
A window tiling extension for GNOME Shell.
Tile windows on a custom grid using your keyboard. Type Super-T to show the grid, then type two tiles (or the same tile twice) to move the active window.
The grid can be up to 4x3 (corresponding to one hand on the keyboard) and each row/column can be weighted to take up more or less space.
Tactile is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later. See the license file for details.