A repository with JavaScript and Python versions of the same type of discord commands.
- Alshahriah127.0.0.1
- bariscihanoglu@BilkentYES-IT
- CookieGMG
- davidpark397
- Deucalione
- Hype3808127.0.0.1
- itsmoihemanth
- king101-bitCrossriver, Nigeria
- Kmack710Kmack Scripts
- KryptonK
- LaffX
- lolek24IT-TD
- MukundNE
- netteNzPuerto Rico
- NotYourAlone
- NxClayzaneShixvoTech
- pawelk1337Poland
- pogrammarGrandpa bot
- pogrammar-Test
- ponurakk@Gdziebusik-pl
- RealNattawattHongthong@CRUStudentDevCommunity
- Rezol2
- SysAdmin74Taiwan
- TBTech205
- TechKiller09
- TechWiz-3Zac GPL-3.0
- TheGlitchyGamer
- TheOnlyWayUpArchiveWP
- tmgkopczykOttawa, ON, Canada
- urfavoriteloser
- vachanmn123@TrixNetwork
- Vatsal-pixel
- VincentRPS@metallang @derailedapp
- WinterIsNotReal
- xytrux@Clickette
- yogiraj3