
Sandbox environment for Elasticserach 7 and extensions

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Sandbox environment for Elasticsearch 7 and extensions like Kibana, beats and other monitorings.

Build Status

All Elastic-stack images can be found from Elastic.co


  • Elasticsearch 7.6.2
    • running with defaults
  • Kibana 7.6.2
    • no login required
  • Filebeat
    • reads the logs files
    • forwards logs to Logstash
  • Logstash
    • forwards logs to Elasticsearch
  • APM-server
    • Cathers application perfomance data from NodeJS-demo

Log sources

  • sampleLogFiles
    • files to read by Filebeat
  • Nginx-demo
    • automatically sends access.log from localhost:8080 to Elasticsearch
  • NodeJS-demo
    • automatically sends application performance data from localhost:3000 to Elasticsearch


docker-compose up -d --build
# Just the AMP demo
docker-compose up -d --build nodejs-demo

Coming soon

  • Heartbeat