
Primary LanguageJuliaMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains the processing of data from experiments in artificial moulins on Rhonegletscher in 2020. The folders are structured as follows:


  • read_measurements.jl: loads data from the sensors and creates dictionaries with manually measured quantities (such as mass of salt tracer); uses calibration.jl for the conductivity-concentration conversion and the temperature correction
  • derived_quantities.jl: derives the hydraulic gradient, discharge, flow speed, cross-sectional area, friction factor and manning roughness
  • size_evolution_models.jl: runs both the ct-model and the free-gradient model
  • heat_transfer.jl: calculates all thermodynamic variables (e.g. equilibrium offset-temperature)
  • paper_figures.jl: produces figures for paper and supplements as well as table and CSV files of derived quantities and saves them in the products folder); uses overviewmap.jl to produce Fig. 1 in the paper and Fig. S1 in the supplements
  • master.jl: runs all the scripts


This folder contains julia files used to produce the .pdf files in the products/additional_figures folder. The figures included in these documents show raw data, results from intermediate steps and results plotted differently compared to the paper.

  • raw_data.jl: raw data of the CTDs (conductivity, temperature, pressure)

  • calibration_plots.jl: conductivity and temperature calibrations

  • derived_quantities_extra.jl: same quantities as Fig. 3 in the paper but for all tracer experiments, not only the ones we selected

  • other_figures.jl: Moody plot and some plots that show heat transfer data (Fig. 5 in the paper) differently

  • make.jl: produces the .pdf files and saves them in the products/additional_figures folder.


All Julia dependencies are installed when installing this package with (at terminal prompt)

$ git clone url_of_this_repo
$ cd Rhone2020.jl/scripts
$ julia --project
julia> ]
Rhone2020 pkg> instantiate

External dependencies which need to be installed by hand/via the Linux package manager/homebrew/etc:

  • pandoc
  • unzip
  • gdal (in particular gdal_merge.py)