
Implement Janus Plugin (videoroom and sip)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm version npm downloads

Getting started

$ yarn add janus-helper


import { JanusHelper, plugins, Janus } from 'janus-helper'
//... see detail in example dir

janus-helper API

JanusHelper methods

setConfig(config), init
import { JanusHelper } from 'janus-helper'

const config = {
  debug: true || false, // set console will log information for debug or not
  server: 'wss://localhost:28989/', // set janus server wss url address 

const janus = new JanusHelper(config);

// after setConfig init the janus and create session for later usage.
injectPlugin(plugin instance, basic inforamtion {}, callbacks {}) that would return a plugin handler through Promise

Image this processs is dealing with attaching plugin to a running session.

import { JanusHelper, plugins } from 'janus-helper'

const chosenPlugin = plugins.VideoRoom; // or plugins.SIP choose the plugin that already defined by plugins (now support VideoRoom and SIP only)

const basicInfo = { 
  roomInfo: { // videoRoom info -> required for VideoRoom plugin
    id: janusRoomId, // the id for creating janus-videoroom
    unigueRoomId, // the id for identify each room instance e.g. uuid()
  userInfo: { // user info -> required
    id: '1234',
    name: 'testname',
  // extra field for other usage -> optional for VideoRoom plugin
  filename: 'filename', // the rec video file name
  rec_dir: '/path/to/recordings-folder/', // the rec video file path to janus-server
  createRoomConfig: {
    request: 'create',
    room: janusRoomId, 
    // <unique numeric ID, optional, chosen by plugin if missing>, 
    notify_joining: true,
      true|false (optional, whether to notify all participants when a new
      participant joins the room. The Videoroom plugin by design only notifies
      new feeds (publishers), and enabling this may result extra notification
      traffic. This flag is particularly useful when enabled with \c require_pvtid
      for admin to manage listening only participants. default=false) 
    bitrate: 128000,
    publishers: 2, // default is 3,
    record: true, // deside record video stream or not
    rec_dir: '/path/to/recordings-folder/',
    // other property could refer to Video Room API https://janus.conf.meetecho.com/docs/videoroom.html

const callbacks = { // defined the callbacks you want,
  onlocalstream: (stream) => {
  onremotestream: (remoteList) => {
  // optional to hanlde those callbacks below ...
  consentDialog: (on) => {
  mediaState: (medium, on) => {
  webrtcState: (on) => {
  onmessage: (msg, jsep) => { 
  oncleanup: () => {},

const successCallback = handler => this.pluinHandler = handler; // save pluginHandler for later usage

const errorCallback = er => console.log(er);

janus.injectPlugin(chosenPlugin, basicInfo, callbacks).then(successCallback).catch(errorCallback);

Extra require dependency