

  • parses images from reddit's subreddits


  • Cache loaded images to save APIs limits - Cache parser

Reddit parser


  • Imgur API

  • Parser API

       * Parses images and returns an array of direct urls of images
       * See src/server/parser/default.js for reference implementation
       * @param (object) redditPost - JSON with the reddit post
       * @returns (Promise) An array of image urls, rejects, if the url cannot be parsed
       function parseImages(redditPost) {...}
    • Image objects

           * Required
          url: '',
           * Optional
          thumbnail: '',
           * Required
           * Available types: image/video
          type: 'video',
           * Optional
          title: '[NBD] My new Felt'


  • Thumbnails of images are displayed on frontpage
  • Menu stays fixed on top
  • Search bar autocompletes subreddit names
  • Use chips for each subreddit
  • After clicking an image, overlay is dislayed
    • Layout
      [Start slideshow][Delay]
      [Previous][Image][Next ]
    • Clicking on overlay will close the preview
  • Slideshow
    • Keyboard shortucts
      • Spacebar - Play/Pause
      • Left/Right - navigation
      • Up/Down - selects delay between images [1/2/3/5/10/15]
      • B - selects color of background [black/white]
      • Every action, will display text, letting the user know, what happened; Will hide after 2-3 seconds
    • Automatic fullscreen
    • Black/white background
  • Frontpage
    • Layout
    •   [Search bar] [Search] [Sort] [Start slideshow]
        [                   Images                   ]

Libraries used