
GMongo enhancements fail when using invokeDynamic

mathieucarbou opened this issue · 3 comments

When I try to compile my groovy module with Maven using Java 8 and the new gmaven plugin with invokedynamic, my tests fails because GMongo cannot convert maps and list containing teh requests to DbObject.

Thus I am forced to disable invokeDynamic


If I enable it, I have the following error:

Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.HashMap cannot be cast to com.mongodb.DBObject
        at com.mongodb.DBApiLayer$MyCollection.insert(DBApiLayer.java:219)
        at com.mongodb.DBApiLayer$MyCollection.insert(DBApiLayer.java:204)
        at com.mongodb.DBCollection.insert(DBCollection.java:148)
        at com.mongodb.DBCollection.insert(DBCollection.java:133)
        at org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v7.IndyInterface.selectMethod(IndyInterf

I am using the Groovy 2.2.1 indy jar.

I will take a look mathieucarbou. Tks for the report.

FYI: when updated to Groovy 2.3.0-rc-4, I do not see the error anymore. But the invoke dynamic makes our app crash elsewhere in inner classes. So nothing more linked to GMongo.

I am reopening: the issue still exists. When using for exemple

collection.insert(LIst<Map> insert)

I am forced to call:


Because the call to .insert directly goes to DBCollection through an invoke dynamic call and does not go through the invokeMethod interceptor set by the Patcher class.