- 3
- 0
- 3
Add support for Bulk operations
#26 opened by joergrech - 5
Feature Requests
#2 opened by chriscantu - 0
cursor.count() result is incorrect
#32 opened by chihyangscience - 1
Jndi connection
#31 opened by salaciataurus - 5
GmongoClient should extend GMongo
#29 opened by davydotcom - 1
cursor for aggregates >16MB?
#27 opened by jgrivolla - 3
Any chance of a mongo driver upgrade
#28 opened by davydotcom - 1
Modifying an array from a document
#25 opened by ppazos - 0
- 1
Usage question. Mapreduce with finalize
#23 opened by patb23 - 3
- 4
Would like GMongoClient to support all constructor signatures of MongoClient v 2.11.2
#21 opened by amallya - 16
suspect memory leak in gmongo 1.0
#20 opened by BrunoBonacci - 1
Update Multiple Documents
#19 opened by 4ilin - 8
Update by using "_id"
#18 opened by svaret - 2
MongoClient instead of Mongo
#17 opened by sirdsoriano - 2
latest gmongo on maven
#16 opened by marcesher - 2
add support for @Transient properties
#15 opened by computorist - 15
NPE when casting Map to BasicDBObject in find
#10 opened by bluesliverx - 4
Support for Groovy 1.7?
#9 opened by stefankendall - 9
problem updating to gmongo-0.9.3
#8 opened by computorist - 3
Write _id to map on save()
#7 opened by paulicka - 2
DBRefs cause MPE?
#5 opened by graemerocher - 3