
HTTP microframework.

Primary LanguageC#



Lazycat is C# .NET library that contains a small HTTP web server with a microframework powered by Scriban - fast, powerful, safe and lightweight scripting language. It does not require having IIS server installed or any of the ASP.NET libraries in order to run.


As of right now, it is only a hobby, therefore, the project is not meant to be served in a production environment!

Getting Started

The first parameter in the Start method is used for root directory of the web application.

 public static WebServer server = new WebServer();

 public static void Main(string[] args) {
   server.Start("/Web", 8084);


This should print out a message SERVER: Started on followed by the port that you have assigned.

Web Routing

Add a web route using the AddWebRoute that takes in route path (e.g "index", "faq", ...) and a method that will be executed once a request reaches that path.

 server.AddWebRoute("Index", IndexPage);
 // ... 
  private static void IndexPage() {
  ScriptObject pageParams = new ScriptObject();

  pageParams.Add("variable", "World");
  server.RenderWebTemplate("index.html", pageParams);
<!DOCTYPE html>
    Hello {{variable}}!

Rendering engine lazycat uses Scriban. If you wish to learn more about how the language works - check out: https://github.com/scriban/scriban/blob/master/doc/language.md

<ul id='products'>
  {{ for product in products }}
      <h2>{{ product.name }}</h2>
           Price: {{ product.price }}
           {{ product.description | string.truncate 15 }}
  {{ end }}