A library for turning nebulous data into well-structured data, with a focus on composition, performance, generality, and ergonomics.
- 0xLeif@0xOpenBytes @0xLet
- alexanderweGermany
- alexito4LifeWorks
- BastianKusserowGermany
- eliperkins@github
- fonkadelic
- grdsdev@supabase
- importre@riiid
- interstateoneCalgary, Alberta, Canada
- jasdevThe Browser Company
- jgodonMAD Company / Jay&Jay
- John-ConnollyHalifax, Canada
- josefdolezaliOS @jll-labs, former iOS @AckeeCZ
- KeanuPangKinnovation
- mackojDecathlon
- mbrandonw@pointfreeco
- McNightParis, France
- MiihaGermany
- nikitavoloboevMadrid
- nkmrhCreeper
- omaralbeikBooking.com
- pawelurb
- pietrocaselani@PicPay
- RabugenTom
- romanroibuBerlin, Germany
- SandroDahlsprylab Technologies GmbH
- sebj@daybridge
- serjoooHelloFresh
- slashmo@blinkist
- smosko
- stephencelis@pointfreeco
- swiftyfinchHome Office
- technologybrother
- tkersey@thisisartium
- tthbalazsSpotify
- ziligyziligy