- 1
Mounting the router on a route group
#33 opened by matthewcheok - 3
More detailed JSON Decoding error message
#24 opened by nashysolutions - 1
Breaking change in release 0.1.3
#27 opened by nashysolutions - 6
How can I specify HTTP Method in my routes
#25 opened by anhar - 4
- 2
Cannot convert value of type 'Dictionary<String, [String]>' to expected argument type 'OrderedDictionary<String, [String?]>'
#19 opened by saroar - 3
How to use Vapor Middleware
#15 opened by saroar - 0
- 1
ObjectId.parser() instand -> UUID.parser()
#12 opened by addame2 - 1
Documentation links aren't working
#5 opened by JaapWijnen - 7
Vapor Abort doesn't work as expected.
#6 opened by JaapWijnen - 2
Unable to run with Docker
#7 opened by ddanilyuk