
mini project for data structures and algorithms 35%

Primary LanguagePython

data structures and algorithms mini project

phase 2 files: supermarket.py is the main file run this file to start the program

supermarket_model.py is the file that contains the class for the program

seprated the algorithms into 3 diffrent files based on thier names

phase 3 extra functions:

added a edit items menu and functionality in supermarket.py

modified binary search to find all occurences instead of 1 occurence

added functionality to allow user to sort by any caterory

modified bubble and insersion sort to allow user to sort by any caterory and change the order of search

modified binary search to allow user to search by any catergory

used binary search to serach for the item to edit or delete based on item description

implemented a sort the is more effiecent than bubble or insersionn sort called shell sort which comapares values at 2 intervals for example intervales of 3 we check if the value at the second interval is larger than the value at first interval we swap the values if no we reduce the interval and reapeat the steps again