
Retrieve your exact IP location information and also it allows you to trace out the exact location of the victim.

MIT LicenseMIT



  • Retrieve your exact IP location information and also it allows you to trace out the exact location of the victim.
  • Powered by ip-api


  • Python 3.x
  • termcolor
  • colorama
  • requests
  • mechanize

Installation Packages..

If pip3 is missing:

  • apt-get install python3-setuptools
  • easy_install3 pip
  • pip3 install -r requirements.txt


  • Retrieve IP or Domain Location.
  • Retrieve your own IP Location.
  • Retrieve Geolocation for IPs or Domains loaded from file. Each target in new line.
  • Define your own custom User Agent string.
  • Select random User-Agent strings from file. Each User Agent string in new line.
  • Proxy support.
  • Select random proxy from file. Each proxy URL in new line.
  • Open IP geolocation in Google Maps using the default browser.
  • Export results to csv, xml and txt format.

IP-Info-Viewer Information

  • ASN
  • City
  • Country
  • Country Code
  • ISP
  • Latitude
  • Longtitude
  • Organization
  • Region Code
  • Region Name
  • Timezone
  • Zip Code


$ ./ip2geolocation.py
usage: ipgeolocation.py [-h] [-m] [-t TARGET] [-T file] [-u User-Agent]
                        [-U file] [-g] [--noprint] [-v] [--nolog] [-x PROXY]
                        [-X file] [-e file] [-ec file] [-ex file]

IP-Info-Viewer 2.0.4

--[ Retrieve IP Info-Viewer information from ip-api.com
--[ Copyright (c) 2022 poisk-ls [@poisk-ls]
--[ ip-api.com service will automatically ban any IP addresses doing over 150 requests per minute.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m, --my-ip           Get IP-Info-Viewer info for my IP address.
  -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                        IP Address or Domain to be analyzed.
  -T file, --tlist file
                        A list of IPs/Domains targets, each target in new line.
  -u User-Agent, --user-agent User-Agent
                        Set the User-Agent request header (default: IP2GeoLocation 2.0.3).
  -U file, --ulist file
                        A list of User-Agent strings, each string in new line.
  -g                    Open IP location in Google maps with default browser.
  --noprint             IPGeolocation will print IP Geolocation info to terminal. It is possible to tell IPGeolocation n
ot to print results to terminal with this option.
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose output.
  --nolog               IP-Info-Viewer will save a .log file. It is possible to tell IPGeolocation not to save those log
files with this option.
  -x PROXY, --proxy PROXY
                        Setup proxy server (example:
  -X file, --xlist file
                        A list of proxies, each proxy url in new line.
  -e file, --txt file   Export results.
  -ec file, --csv file  Export results in CSV format.
  -ex file, --xml file  Export results in XML format.


Retrieve your IP Info-Viewer

  • ./ip2geolocation.py -m

Retrieve IP Info-Viewer

  • ./ip2geolocation.py -t x.x.x.x

Retrieve Domain Info-Viewer

  • ./ip2geolocation.py -t example.com

Do not save .log files

  • ./ip2geolocation.py -t example.com --nolog

Custom User Agent string

  • ./ip2geolocation.py -t x.x.x.x -u "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko"

Using Proxy

Using random Proxy

  • ./ip2geolocation.py -t x.x.x.x -X /path/to/proxies/filename.txt

Pick User-Agent string randomly

  • ./ip2geolocation.py -t x.x.x.x -U /path/to/user/agent/strings/filename.txt

Retrieve IP Info-Viewer and open location in Google maps with default browser

  • ./ip2geolocation.py -t x.x.x.x -g

Export results to CSV file

  • ./ip2geolocation.py -t x.x.x.x --csv /path/to/results.csv

Export results to XML file

  • ./ip2geolocation.py -t x.x.x.x --xml /path/to/results.xml

Export results to TXT file

  • ./ip2geolocation.py -t x.x.x.x -e /path/to/results.txt

Retrieve IP Info-Viewer for many targets

  • ./ip2geolocation.py -T /path/to/targets/targets.txt

Retrieve IP Info-Viewer for many targets and export results to xml

  • ./ip2geolocation.py -T /path/to/targets/targets.txt --xml /path/to/results.xml

Do not print results to terminal

  • ./ip2geolocation.py -m -e /path/to/results.txt --noprint