
Gulp plugin for compiling Marko templates

Primary LanguageJavaScript


There's no point in using this plugin anymore.

Marko has grown a lot since I first published this gulp plugin, and now they support both run time compilation (via a require extension) and build time compilation (via a CLI). See here for more info: http://markojs.com/docs/installing/#on-the-server.

If you want to pre compile your marko files in a gulp build, you could just install marko-cli as a dev dependency and do this (with gulp 4):

const { spawn } = require('child_process')
gulp.task('marko', () => spawn('marko', ['compile', 'hello.marko'], { stdio: 'inherit' }))



Compile Marko templates as part of your Gulp build process.


var marko = require('gulp-marko-compile');

gulp.task('marko', function() {
    .pipe(marko({preserveWhitespace: true}).on('error', gutil.log))

Error handling

gulp-marko-compile will emit an error for cases such as invalid Marko syntax. If uncaught, the error will crash gulp.

You will need to attach a listener (i.e. .on('error')) for the error event emitted by gulp-marko-compile:

var markoStream = marko({preserveWhitespace: true});

// Attach listener
markoStream.on('error', function(err) {});

In addition, you may utilize gulp-util's logging function:

var gutil = require('gulp-util');

// ...

var markoStream = marko({preserveWhitespace: true});

// Attach listener
markoStream.on('error', gutil.log);

Since .on(...) returns this, you can make you can compact it as inline code:

  .pipe(marko({preserveWhitespace: true}).on('error', gutil.log))
  // ...


The options object supports the same options as the standard Marko compiler


Fully comply with Gulp plugin guidelines AKA write some tests


MIT License