
React class based components library based on modern React components approach

Primary LanguageTypeScript


The library allows you to create components that are based on functional components, but can be described as classes

Props and state

class StatefulExample extends BaseComponent<
  { readonly placeholder: string },
  { readonly userInput: string }
> {
  public readonly state = { userInput: "" };

  public override componentDidMount() {
    console.log("Just mounted!");

  public override componentDidUpdate(): void {
    console.log("Just updated!");

  public override componentWillUnmount(): void {
    console.log("Will be unmounted");

  private setInput(evt: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) {
    this.applyState((draft) => {
      draft.userInput = evt.currentTarget.value;

  public override render() {
    return (

Context example

interface ContextType {
  readonly clicks: number;
  readonly increase: () => void;
  readonly decrease: () => void;

const MyContext = React.createContext<ContextType>({
  clicks: 0,
  increase: () => {},
  decrease: () => {},

class ProviderExample extends BaseComponent<
  { readonly clicks: number }
> {
  public readonly state = { clicks: 0 };

  private decrease() {
    this.applyState((draft) => {

  private increase() {
    this.setState((oldState) => ({
      clicks: oldState.clicks + 1,

  public override render() {
    return (
          clicks: this.state.clicks,
          increase: this.increase,
          decrease: this.decrease,

class ConsumerExample extends BaseComponent<object, object> {
  // Injection will be performed right after class constructor invocation
  public readonly contextState: ContextType = {
    clicks: 0,
    increase: () => {},
    decrease: () => {},
  // Or this way:
  // @Inject(MyContext)
  // public readonly contextState!: ContextType;

  public override state = {};

  public override render() {
    // Or even this way
    // const contextState = React.useContext(MyContext);
    return (
        <button type="button" onClick={this.contextState.decrease}>
        <button type="button" onClick={this.contextState.increase}>

Usage example (Composition component)

export class CompositionExample extends BaseComponent<object, object> {
  public readonly state = {};

  public override render() {
    return (
          <ConsumerExample />
          <StatefulExample placeholder="This is placeholder" />