
Network Randomization: A Simple Technique for Generalization in Deep Reinforcement Learning / ICLR 2020

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository implements Lee et al. Network Randomization: A Simple Technique for Generalization in Deep Reinforcement Learning. In ICLR, 2020 in TensorFlow==1.12.0.

  title={Network Randomization: A Simple Technique for Generalization in Deep Reinforcement Learning},
  author={Lee, Kimin and Lee, Kibok and and Shin, Jinwoo and Lee, Honglak},


This code is based on CoinRun platform. After installing all packages in CoinRun, replace coinrun.cpp, coinrunenv.py, config.py, policies.py, ppo2.py, random_ppo2.py, and train_random.py with files in sources/ in this repository.

Training PPO agents

Vanilar PPO

python -m coinrun.train_agent --run-id myrun --save-interval 1 --num-levels 500

Vanilar PPO + CutOut

python -m coinrun.train_agent --run-id myrun --save-interval 1 --num-levels 500 -uda 1

Vanilar PPO + Dropout

python -m coinrun.train_agent --run-id myrun --save-interval 1 --num-levels 500 -dropout 0.1

Vanilar PPO + BN

python -m coinrun.train_agent --run-id myrun --save-interval 1 --num-levels 500 -norm 1

Vanilar PPO + L2

python -m coinrun.train_agent --run-id myrun --save-interval 1 --num_levels 500 -l2 0.0001

Vanilar PPO + Grayout

python -m coinrun.train_agent --run-id myrun --save-interval 1 --num-levels 500 -ubw 1

Vanilar PPO + Inversion

python -m coinrun.train_agent --run-id myrun --save-interval 1 --num_levels 500 -ui 1

Vanilar PPO + Color Jitter

python -m coinrun.train_agent --run-id myrun --save-interval 1 --num-levels 500 -uct 1

PPO + ours

python -m coinrun.train_random --run-id myrun --save-interval 1 --num_levels 500 -lstm 2

Test on unseen environments

python -m coinrun.enjoy --test-eval --restore-id myrun -num-eval N -rep K -train_flag 1