Imagine Cup 2016

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NEXTed (Imagine Cup 2016) Build Status

We believe in fixing the education system and improving the way how things work in a regular schooling system. This is what everybody has observed but no effective initiative has been taken yet. We have build a peer to peer learning and encouraging platform for students as well as teachers.

  • This way a student will get a platform to upload his skills , achievements, experiences and awards and inspire people around him. He'll be able to check the other students' profiles and get inspired.

  • A teacher will be able to upload his area of expertise , degrees and awards.Teachers with skills apart from their designated area can be approached by students with similar interests.Hence making Learning smarter.

  • A School will become smarter by making a network of students and teachers and connecting them on the basis of their common interests. Hence overall development of students will take place.This way careers which are not appreciated nowadays or generally considered as risky careers will also get explored by students.

How To Run

  • Install MongoDB Windows
  • Download and Install Node Windows
  • Run the following commands:
$ git clone https://github.com/poke19962008/EduFix.git
$ cd EduFix
$ npm install && npm start

How to Use

  • Login as a Student: To check and experience how the user profile looks
    • Username: 123testID
    • Password: 123test
  • Login as a Teacher: To check and experience how the user profile looks
    • Username: 123testID
    • Password: 123test

Technologies & Frameworks Used

  • Node.js

    • Express - HTTP request handler
    • mongodb - Raw mongo driver for Node
    • Connect-mongo - mongo based session store for Express
    • Mongoose - Mongo object modelling framework for node
    • Express-session - Express middleware for user session handling
    • Embedded Java Script (EJS) - template engine for rendering HTML page
    • crypto - Data encryption package
    • Cookie-parser - Express middleware for session-cookie handling
  • MongoDB Scalable NoSQL database

  • HTML

  • CSS

    • Bootstrap
    • Normalize
  • Java Script

    • jQuery
    • toastr - JS based toast notification
    • Angular - Dynamic MVC framework for frontend
  • Editor

    • Atom
    • Sublime
    • Visual Studio

Crafted <3 with by Nexted Team