we'd like to think of this texture pack as a resource also, if you want to give sm64 your own look feel free to use these as a base for accuracy, just credit them render96 boys & girls
- adolfg0047
- allnought
- bendevnull
- blueberrycolaLapeer, MI
- CDavantzisNew York, NY
- ChristianSilvermoon
- chzteo
- CodeNewWorlds
- deejay87https://discord.gg/vykF8WqzVZ
- DorfDork
- drobilicaBelgrade
- Emerald-FoxUSA, VT Stowe
- FedericoSchonbornBuenos Aires, Argentina
- FfReAkDude
- GabeFrahm
- GhostlyDark
- jadcCanada
- jburzumj
- joker-fightclub
- juney2008
- Micah-NailimaNailima Development
- mr-video
- NintendoKnight
- Noah670California
- OneLockyUnited States
- pixelboy22233
- Podbay
- PseudoSix
- r3tr0g4m3r
- Smoker1
- soup6020Canada
- testyourmine
- TyaisurmFinland
- yosmont
- Yvann-Nadal