
Frontend application for parking management

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

parkandrest-ui Build Status

Frontend application made in angular 7 for educational purposes. You can use it fully client side, or with server available here. To use application in server mode go to environment.ts and set your SERVER_OFFLINE parameter like this:



Key features:

  1. Authentication based on cookies and redux like store.
  2. Reactive forms with custom validation.
  3. Guarded routing which discovers home route based on authority.
  4. Modularization

Technological stack

  1. Angular 7.0
  2. Angular material
  3. Bootstrap 3.3
  4. Jasmine/Karma
  5. Underscore
  6. MomentJs (ngx-moment )
  7. ngx-toastr
  8. ngx-modal
  9. ngx-cookie-service
  10. @ngx-translate
  11. @ngrx/store

Project installation steps

  1. Install nodejs (version 8.5.0 or higher) and npm (version 5.3.0 or higher)
  2. Type npm install in "parkandrest-ui" catalogue

How to run?

  1. To run application type 'ng serve' in parkandrest-ui main catalogue
  2. To run application test type 'ng test' in parkandrest-ui main catalogue


You can login using provided credentials (fulladmin would allow access to all application features):

username password authorities
fulladmin password ADMIN, OPERATOR, OWNER, DRIVER
admin password ADMIN
operator password OPERATOR
driver password DRIVER
owner password OWNER

Application features

  1. Manage application users. You can add new one and disable (or enable) existing one.


2. Generate daily financial reports.


3. Monitor parking spaces. Get and information about parking space state and what vehicle is currently parked.


4. Access parking meter functionality. You can manually start and stop parking meter in order to mock external parking system which is not a part of this project.


5. Get control over your server application time manager.


You can increment time by hours in order to test different time based scenarios. Warning! This feature is not available in client side mode and should not be used on the production. In order to make it work check the environment.ts file. Your ENVIRONMENT property should be set like this:
export const ENVIRONMENT = {
  PRODUCTION: false,

Feature by authorities table

feature group required authority
Account monitor OWNER
Parking meter OPERATOR
Driver Mock DRIVER

Known problems:

  1. npm config set registry http://registry.npmjs.org/ - https keeps reseting network connection

What is planned for the future:

  • Routes lazy loading
  • Custom fallback route - currently we always fallback to LogoutComponent
  • Change or update of ngx-cookie-service because of nasty side effects (example here stevermeister/ngx-cookie-service#5)
  • Tests
  • Prolonging session by using refresh token (currently in server mode, after token expiration you will be always logout )