
Helm Charts

Primary LanguageSmarty

POKT Foundation Helm Charts


Add the Helm repository locally and update.

helm repo add pokt https://pokt-foundation.github.io/charts
helm repo update pokt


Install the pokt/avalanche chart with the release name avalanche into the avalanche namespace.

helm repo add pokt https://pokt-foundation.gitlab.io/charts
helm repo update pokt
helm install avalanche pokt/avalanche --create-namespace --namespace avalanche


Add the Helm repository locally and update.

helm repo add simbachain https://simbachain.gitlab.io/charts
helm repo update simbachain
helm install ethereum simbachain/ethereum --create-namespace --namespace ethereum

Commit hooks

This repo uses pre-commit hooks for lint, syntax and documentation purposes. To setup this hook, simply go ahead and install pre-commit package.

For MacOS users:

brew install norwoodj/tap/helm-docs
brew install pre-commit

For Linux users, you can find the package in the release page.

Once installed you can simply run pre-commit install command.