A discord bot to watch a collection of Github repositories and notify a channel when a new release is published.
$ git clone https://github.com/pokt-foundation/release_watch.git
cd release_watch
pip install .
There are two parts that need configuration depending on your needs.
- The Github and Discord Access Tokens
- The desired list of repositories to watch
This bot needs some form of basic Github Authentication. Currently it is setup to utilize a personal access token with no scope. Details on that process here.
The bot also needs to be able to connect to a registered discord bot account. This discord bot needs the bot scope, and it needs permissions to send messages and embed links. Instructions for setting up a bot account can be found here. Once a bot is configured and added to the server, it's Token, which can be found under the bot tab of the developer portal is needed.
Once you have these values, create an .env
file from the example in the root of
the project:
$ cp .env.example .env
Then open the .env
is the username that the token was registered to,
is the access token for GitHub that was created earlier, and DISCORD_TOKEN
the token of the bot account.
You can also set these as environment variables if you wish.
By default the configuration of the repositories to watch can be found in repos.yml
Each entry is formatted as follows:
- id-of-the-first-discord-channel-to-notify
- id-of-the-second-discord-channel-to-notify
repo: url-to-the-repo
critical: true/false # If False, notifications won't be sent. Set to True to get notifications.
To get the channel id, navigate in discord to the channel that you wish to notify. The channel id can
by found from the URL as follows: discord.com/channels/<long-number>/<channel-id>
The repo url should be the base URL to the GitHub repository.
Critical should be set to true if you want notifications. This value is here so that notifications can be toggled on as needed.
To start the bot, simply run.
$ release_watch
Full details:
$ release_watch -h
usage: release_watch [-h] [-t TIME] [-c CONFIG]
Discord bot for watching for unannouced github releases.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TIME, --time TIME How often, in seconds, to check each of the tracked
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
The path to the repos configuration file. The default
path for this is repos.yml in the root of the project.