images2gpx is a command line tool which creates a gpx or html files based on gps data in jpeg images.
java -jar images2gpx.jar [parameters]
-i, --inputDirectory Directory containing your images (required)
-o, --outputDirectory Output Directory (default: your userhome)
-t, --outputType supported types [gpx, google-maps-markers, google-maps-polylines] (default: gpx)
-r, --recursive default: false
--apikey Google Maps API Key. Only used for google-maps-polylines
java -jar images2gpx.jar -i ~/pics/2015-journeyAroundTheWorld
java -jar images2gpx.jar -i ~/pics/2015-journeyAroundTheWorld -t google-maps-polylines -o ~/pics/2015-journeyAroundTheWorld --apikey AIzaSyB3EXCldLFqH1Y2WbarPqMj_MOglBjCgAI
java -jar images2gpx.jar -i ~/pics/all-my-journeys -t google-maps-markers --recursive
A Java 8 Development Kit is required to build the project.
git clone
cd images2gpx
./gradlew bootRepackage
The runnable jar is generated in build/libs