
Notes as of May 15, 2013

Runs on Amazon EC2 Only


Install RVM for Ruby 1.9.3 and do it as ec2-user.

cd ~ \curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s -- --version 1.9.3

Install Nginx as root.

yum install nginx

Install busme-swifty

User must be "ec2-user". Since we don't have ssh creds install with the read-only git url.

cd ~
git clone   git://github.com/polar/busme-swifty.git
cd busme-swifty
sh install.sh   # installs init.sh into /etc/init.d/swifty and copies nginx.conf to /etc/nginx/

Install ".busme_creds" with the credentials for running the system.


Add to ~/.bashrc

source ~/.busme_creds


At this point, it is probably prudent to snapshot the EC2 instance for further deployments.


You may do these as root. They will suid down to ec2-user.

Start Rogues

/etc/init.d/swifty start

Stop Rogues

/etc/init.d/swifty stop

Restart Rogues

/etc/init.d/swifty restart


/etc/init.d/swifty upgrade

This directive only does the git pull. You have to manually restart swifty and nginx
in the event of an update to nginx.conf.


/etc/init.d/swifty reinstall

This directive does the git pull and runs the install.sh script.
You have to separately restart swifty and nginx in the event of an update to nginx.conf.


Dr. Polar Humenn, Adiron, LLC, (C) 2013 All Rights Reserved.