
This action is used to deploy Actions artifacts to GitHub Pages.


⚠️ Official support for building Pages with Actions is in public beta at the moment.


See action.yml for the various inputs this action supports.

For examples that make use of this action, check out our starter-workflows in a variety of frameworks.

This action expects an artifact named github-pages to have been created prior to execution. This is done automatically using actions/upload-pages-artifact.

We recommend this action to be used in a dedicated job:

  # Build job
    # <Not provided for brevity>
    # At a minimum this job should upload artifacts using actions/upload-pages-artifact

  # Deploy job
    # Add a dependency to the build job
    needs: build

    # Grant GITHUB_TOKEN the permissions required to make a Pages deployment
      pages: write      # to deploy to Pages
      id-token: write   # to verify the deployment originates from an appropriate source

    # Deploy to the github-pages environment
      name: github-pages
      url: ${{ steps.deployment.outputs.page_url }}

    # Specify runner + deployment step
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Deploy to GitHub Pages
        id: deployment
        uses: actions/deploy-pages@v1

Security considerations

There are a few important considerations to be aware of:

  1. The artifact being deployed must have been uploaded in a previous step, either in the same job or a separate job that doesn't execute until the upload is complete.

  2. The job that executes the deployment must at minimum have the following permissions:

    • pages: write
    • id-token: write
  3. The deployment should target the github-pages environment (you may use a different environment name if needed, but this is not recommended.)

  4. If your Pages site is using a source branch, the deployment must originate from this source branch unless your environment is protected in which case the environment protection rules take precedence over the source branch rule

  5. If your Pages site is using GitHub Actions as the source, while not required we highly recommend you also protect your environment (we do it by default for you)

Release instructions

In order to release a new version of this Action:

  1. Locate the semantic version of the upcoming release (a draft is maintained by the draft-release workflow).

  2. Publish the draft release from the main branch with semantic version as the tag name, with the checkbox to publish to the GitHub Marketplace checked. ☑️

  3. After publishing the release, the release workflow will automatically run to create/update the corresponding the major version tag such as v1.

    ⚠️ Environment approval is required. Check the Release workflow run list.


The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License.