Asciidoctor-ConfluencePublisher is a command line tool that parse asciidoc files, generate confluence compatible html and upload the content and attachment to confluence.
This repo inspired by confluence-publisher
It requires Ruby 2.x. works for Confluence 6+.
gem install asciidoctor-confluence_publisher
is built on asciidoctor gem, so the gem is compatible with
all the arguments of asciidoctor.
The configuration of confluence can be set via attribute(-a attr=attr_value
), or set via system environment.
The attribute or environment are:
attribute name | environment variable | note | required |
confluence_host | CONFLUENCE_HOST | confluence host with protocol. | Y |
space | SPACE | confluence page space. | Y |
username | CONFLUENCE_USERNAME | confluence username. | Y |
password | CONFLUENCE_PASSWORD | confluence password. | Y |
ancestor_id | ANCESTOR_ID | page ancestor id. | Y |
proxy | CONFLUENCE_PROXY | confluence http proxy. | N |
skip_verify_ssl | - | whether skip verify ssl. | N |
It is recomanded that use environment for confluence related host, username and password, for example autoenv
confluence-publisher [file or directory]
The title of source file will be the title in confluence.
If the final argument is a file, it will only processed the single file. It will recursively process all
the source file except file starting with _
, for directory parameter.
After checking out the repo, run bundle install
to install dependencies. Then, run rake test
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at