
nix dotfiles for nixos and userspace

Primary LanguageNix

PolarMutex Nix Config

ZFS Setup

Based on bhougland18 Based on openzfs docs for nixos

  • Assuming single disk install

Step 1: Delete existing partitions and start with a clean state

command: list devices


command: wipe partitions

sgdisk --zap-all /dev/sda

You should get a nice terminal output that reads "GPT data structures destroyed! You may now partition the disk using fdisk or other utilities."

Step 2: Setup Partitions

Okay, now we need to setup the partitions using the by-id aliases for devices.

Issue this command to find the disk on your system. We want to find Id of /dev/sda (or whatever your disk is): command: list the devices with the ID

ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/

command : create $DISK variable

DISK=/dev/disk/by-id/{disk to install on}

Just like when we created the blank partition table, we are going to use the linux program sgdisk to help us with creating our paritions. More information can be found here.

Caution: ZFS on Linux has issues when you place the swap mount within the ZFS partition, so the instrustions below will create a dedicated swap partition.

Before you follow the steps below you should probably calculate the amount of space you are going to need for the swap partition. My machine has 16GB of memory so I am going with 20GB. In order to calculate your swap you can refer to this article.

Configuring EFI

command : create partitions, each line is a command.

sgdisk -n 0:0:+1GiB -t 0:EF00 -c 0:boot $DISK
sgdisk -n 0:0:+20GiB -t 0:8200 -c 0:swap $DISK
sgdisk -n 0:0:0 -t 0:BF01 -c 0:ZFS $DISK
  • Partition 1 will be the EFI boot partition.
  • Partition 2 will be the swap partition.
  • Partition 3 will be the main ZFS partition, using up the remaining space on the drive.

To make the next steps easier to understand lets again make some variables: command : create each variable, each line is a command.


Step 3: Configuring ZFS

Below is the basic structure we will be creating. Notice than the ZFS pools and datasets are all contained within the disk we labeled as ZFS . We will have a home data set that we will snapshot and a nixos dataset that we will not snapshot as Nixos does a good job at keeping that information in sync and it isn’t necessary to backup. TODO: MAke Diagram

Create ZFS pool

zpool create \
    -o ashift=12 \
    -o autotrim=on \
    -R /mnt \
    -O acltype=posixacl \
    -O canmount=off \
    -O compression=zstd \
    -O dnodesize=auto \
    -O normalization=formD \
    -O relatime=on \
    -O xattr=sa \
    -O mountpoint=/ \
    rpool \

Create ZFS datasets

Create root system container:

zfs create \
 -o canmount=off \
 -o mountpoint=none \

Create system datasets:

zfs create -o canmount=on -o mountpoint=/     rpool/nixos/root
zfs create -o canmount=on -o mountpoint=/home rpool/nixos/home
zfs create -o canmount=off -o mountpoint=/var  rpool/nixos/var
zfs create -o canmount=on  rpool/nixos/var/lib
zfs create -o canmount=on  rpool/nixos/var/log
zfs create -o refreservation=1G -o mountpoint=none rpool/reserved
zfs set com.sun:auto-snapshot=true <pool>/<fs>

Mount filesystems

  • / should already be mounted

command : mount the boot partition. Each line is a command.

mkfs.vfat $BOOT
mkdir /mnt/boot
mount $BOOT /mnt/boot

command : make swap

mkswap -L swap $SWAP

Step 4: configure NIXOS

command: generate nixos config files

nixos-generate-config  --root /mnt

Import ZFS-specific configuration:

sed -i "s|./hardware-configuration.nix|./hardware-configuration.nix ./zfs.nix|g" /mnt/etc/nixos/configuration.nix

Configure hostid:

tee -a /mnt/etc/nixos/zfs.nix <<EOF
{ config, pkgs, ... }:

{ boot.supportedFilesystems = [ "zfs" ];
  networking.hostId = "$(head -c 8 /etc/machine-id)";
  #boot.kernelPackages = config.boot.zfs.package.latestCompatibleLinuxPackages;

Mount datasets with zfsutil option:

sed -i 's|fsType = "zfs";|fsType = "zfs"; options = [ "zfsutil" "X-mount.mkdir" ];|g' \

Set root password:

rootPwd=$(mkpasswd -m SHA-512 -s)
polarPwd=$(mkpasswd -m SHA-512 -s)

Declare password in configuration:

tee -a /mnt/etc/nixos/zfs.nix <<EOF
users.users.root.initialHashedPassword = "${rootPwd}";
users.users.polar = {
    isNormalUser = true;
    extraGroups = ["wheel"];
    initialHashedPassword = "${polarPwd}";
services.openssh.enable = true;
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
nix.settings = {
    allowed-users = ["@wheel"];
    trusted-users = ["@wheel"];
security.sudo.wheelNeedsPassword = false;

Install system and apply configuration:

nixos-install -v --show-trace --no-root-passwd --root /mnt

need to copy my ssh key


echo "use flake" >> .envrc && direnv allow


nix mvp




Took inspiration from the following:

setup work


- install base os
- create my user
- turn off selinux "sudo vim /etc/selinux/config"
- reboot
- install nix "sh <(curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install) --daemon"
- generate ssh key for github
- clone nix-config
- mkdir ~/.config/nix
- vim ~/.config/nix/nix.conf  "experimental-features = nix-command flakes"
- nix develop
- install wezterm from centor 8
- make work_redhat