
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Getting started

Step 1. (Setup NPM)

  • Clone this repository and run npm install.

Step 2. (Setup database)

  • Install and connect locally to your MongoDB instance

  • Create default user and database

Step 3. Setting up the configuration files

  • Make a copy of ".env.template" and rename it ".env" so that you can inject environment variables into the backend services.

Enter your database credentials in the .env file under DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD:


Important: Never commit in this .env file: Credentials or sensitive data related to production environment. Platform adminstrators should handle this part securily for you!!!

  • Run the following script, which updates the items setup and the database scheme:
$ npm run setup -- config/default-item-config.js

Step 4. (Launching backend servers in development)

  • Make sure your MongoDB instance is running and configured like in previous steps

  • Start the backend servers:

$ npm run start-production
$ npm run start-public-api

To test that it works, write the following command in your terminal:

$ curl localhost:2413

It should return the following HTML document:

<!DOCTYPE html>

(or look at in in your browser and see a blank page with the word "works" in it).

  • To stop the servers:
$ npm run stop-production
$ npm run stop-public-api

Step 5. (Enter dashboard)

In order to see the dashboard you need a key. To get the key, you need the deployd command line interface.

  • Install the deployd CLI globally (if not already present):
$ npm install deployd-cli -g
  • Generate a DPD key

If you have created a key already, use this command to re-use the previously generated key:

$ cd dpd && dpd showkey && cd ..

If you haven't generated a key yet, running the above commands will generate the following console output:

No key file found. Run the following to create one:

dpd keygen

so follow these instructions instead:

$ cd dpd
$ mkdir .dpd	#skip if you have done this before
$ dpd keygen    #skip if you have done this before
$ dpd showkey
$ cd ..
  • Visualize the dashboard

Open localhost:2413/dashboard (with the servers running, see Step 4 if necessary) in your browser and enter the key in the output of dpd keygen in the field displayed in the browser. This should give you access to the dashboard.

Docker Setup


User guide

Step-1 Review the .env file and adjust your parameters

# Generic

# Mail delivery system

# Database connection default docker-compose local dev environment

# Voice reader

# Suggestions

PS: The default values are mostly compatible with local dev environment.

For more details please contact the dev teams regarding these env-vars.

Step-2 Build locally and test the backend with docker-compose

# --build option is to skip cache usage
# you can append -d daemon mode to run the containers in the background
docker-compose up --build

PS: By default the backend is accessible from localhost.

Feel free to adjust docker-compose and .env files or create new ones in case you would like to use different ports and run multiple backend instances at the same environment.

Clean up

# The down cmd stops containers and removes containers,
# networks, volumes, and images created by up
docker-compose down

CI/CD Pipelines

At the moment we are using community github-actions for building and pushing docker images to docker-hub repository infocompass


These secrets must be configured at the organization level or the repository itself:

Themes Value
DOCKERHUB_TOKEN #To get from dockerhub account admin

User guide

  • By default the pipeline will build and ship the default theme docker image (automatically triggered once merged to the master branch)

  • The docker images tagging will be done using the git revision number.