
resources/driver-aws-external is a driver for AWS resources - currently only supports S3 buckets. It implements the Humanitec driver specification.


It takes the following environment variables:


Variable Description
USE_FAKE_AWS_CLIENT [Optional] If set does not actually contact AWS. Useful for local testing.
PORT [Optional] The port number the server should be exposed on. It defaults to 8080.

Metadata Database

Variable Description
DATABASE_NAME The name of the Postgress DB to connect to.
DATABASE_USER The userame that the service should access the database under.
DATABASE_PASSWORD The password associated with the useranme.
DATABASE_HOST The DNS name or IP address that the database server resides on.
DATABASE_PORT [Optional] The port on the server that the database is listening on. It defaults to 5432.

NOTE: You can find examples of all the above variables in the docker-compose.yml file in the root of the repo.

Supported endpoints

Method Path Template Description
POST / Create or Update a resource. Payload should be a DriverResourceDefinition.
DELETE /{resourceId} Deletes a resource.

System Endpoints

Method Path Template Description
GET /alive Should be used for liveness probe
GET `/health Should be used for readiness probe

Running locally

The service can be built with:

$ go build

Mocks can be generated with:

$ go generate ./...

Tests can be run with:

$ go test ./...

Testing with a database

The Go unit tests do not cover any of the database code. Tests on this can be run as follows:

Build the image and run it with docker-compose (in the root of the repo):

$ docker-compose up --build

Build the package and run the integration tests (in the /test/integration directory:

$ npm install
$ npm run test

Testing against real AWS

This requires some additional setup:

  • Change docker-compose.yml by removing variable USE_FAKE_AWS_CLIENT
  • Add an account.json file to /test/integration containing valid credentials for an AWS Static Token.

The format of the account.json file is as follows: { "aws_access_key_id": "<AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID>", "aws_secret_access_key": "<AWS_SECFRET_ACCESS_KEY>" }

Where <AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID> and <AWS_SECFRET_ACCESS_KEY> should be replaces by the relevant values.

After starting with the modified docker-compose.yml, Run the tests with the following commend in /test/integration

$ ./node_modules/.bin/mocha driver_tests_liveaws.js