This is a tool to generate documentation for given Bicep files/modules
Run the following command to install the tool from nuget as a global tool:
dotnet tool install -g illinois
dotnet run --project src/illinois.csproj -- --output-format markdown --bicep-file ./sample/main.bicep --sort
Output of the command can be found in
illinois [options]
Auto generate documentation for the given bicep file
--serve Serve the generated documentation on localhost
--sort Sort members alphabetically
--output-format <Markdown|None> The format to use for the output, valid options are (None | Markdown)
--bicep-file <bicep-file> Bicep file to generate documentation for
--outfile <outfile> Output file to write the generated documentation
--version Show version information
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
Compile the project and run the following command from the root of the repository:
dotnet pack src/illinois.sln --configuration release
Run the following command to push the package to Nuget:
dotnet nuget push src/illinois/bin/release/illinois.0.1.0.nupkg --source --skip-duplicate --api-key <API_KEY>
dotnet nuget locals all --clear