
Deploy bicep modules using shared parameter objects

Primary LanguageBicepMIT LicenseMIT

Project Missisippi

To deploy a Windows or Linux Virtual Machine to Azure, using Bicep, it's easier if the vm module splitted into two separate files for Windows and Linux.

To create a Virtual Machine, it's also needed to create several resources, such as Virtual Network, Public IP, Network Security Group, Network Interface, and Storage Account.

In this project, there is a vm_commons.bicep file that contains the resources that are common to both Windows and Linux Virtual Machines.

The vm_windows.bicep file contains only the Windows Virtual Machine resource, and the reference to the vm_commons.bicep module.

The vm_linux.bicep file contains only the Linux Virtual Machine resource, and the reference to the vm_commons.bicep module.

vm.bicepparam is the parameter file for both of the Virtual Machine modules.

Both vm_windows.bicep and vm_linux.bicep files have the following parameters to create common resources and vm specific resources:

param creds object

param common object

The creds parameter is used to pass username and password, or username and sshkey pairs for the Virtual Machine, based on the Operating System.

The common parameter is used to pass the addressPrefix, dnsLabelPrefix, virtualNetworkName, subnetName, publicIpName, networkSecurityGroupName, nicName, publicIPAllocationMethod, subnetPrefix, publicIpSku and storageAccountName for the Virtual Machine.
