Concrete5.7 for Docker
Docker image of Concrete5.7 with Apache2.4 and PHP 5.6 based on the official Debian Jessie image
Concrete5 is an easy to use web content management system
Concrete5 was designed for ease of use, for users with a minimum of technical skills. It features in-context editing (the ability to edit website content directly on the page, rather than in an administrative interface). Editable areas are defined in concrete5 templates which allow editors to insert 'blocks' of content. These can contain simple content (text and images) or have more complex functionality, for example image slideshows, comments systems, lists of files, maps etc. Further addons can be installed from the concrete5 Marketplace to extend the range of blocks available for insertion. Websites running concrete5 can be connected to the concrete5 website, allowing automatic upgrading of the core software and of any addons downloaded or purchased from the Marketplace.
Create a minimal Data Container
MariaDB will use the initially empty /var/lib/mysql directory and Concrete5 will use /var/www/html and /etc/apache2, which will be populated by the docker-entrypoint script.
docker create -it --name c5_DATA_1 \
-v /var/lib/mysql \
-v /var/www/html \
-v /etc/apache2 \
tianon/true true
The container does not need to be started or running for sharing its data.
Create a Database
This initializes one database for use with Concrete5. Remember replacing the the_root_password and the_db_user_password with real passwords.
docker run -d --name db \
--restart=always \
--volumes-from c5_DATA_1 \
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=the_db_root_password \
-e MYSQL_USER=c5dbadmin \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=the_db_user_password \
Run Concrete5
It will be linked to the MariaDB: The link between the c5_db and the c5_web container causes the /etc/hosts file in the Concrete5 container to be continually updated with the current IP of the c5_db container.
docker run -d --name=c5_web_1 \
--restart=always \
--volumes-from c5_DATA_1 \
--link db:db \
-p 80:80 \
-p 443:443 \
Alternatively to the above, using docker-compose create the data-volume, database and Concrete5.7 containers all in one step, as can be seen in docker-compose-datavol.yml
. Or if you prefer, use host volumes as shown below:
$ cd c5
$ cat docker-compose.yml
image: mariadb
restart: always
- MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=the_db_root_password
- MYSQL_USER=c5dbadmin
- MYSQL_PASSWORD=the_db_user_password
# host volume
- ./data/var/lib/mysql:/var/lib/mysql
image: chriswayg/concrete5.7
restart: always
- "80:80"
- "443:443"
- db
# host volumes
- ./data/etc/apache2:/etc/apache2
- ./data/var/www/html:/var/www/html
$ docker-compose up -d
Concrete5 Setup
Visit your Concrete5 site at
for initial setup.
On the setup page, set your site-name and admin user password and enter the following
Database Information:
Server: db
MySQL Username: c5dbadmin
MySQL Password: the_db_user_password
Database Name: c5db
Data will persist
The Concrete5 and MariaDB application containers can be removed (even with docker rm -f -v
), upgraded and reinitialized without loosing website or database data, as all website data is stored in the DATA container. (Just do not delete the DATA container;)
To find out where the data is stored on disk, check with docker inspect c5_DATA_1 | grep -A1 Source
Common Tasks
Change a Theme's file
Enter the Concrete5.7 docker container, locate the relevant css file & make changes - for examle something like...
$ docker exec -it c5_web_1 bash
$ nano ./packages/theme_mytheme/themes/mytheme/css/style.css
$ exit
In Concrete5.7, clear the cache and reload the page.
Backup Containers with Data in Volumes
If you are storing your data in Docker volume containers, take a look at the docker-clone
script: It will clone a set of containers including all its data. There is more info regarding it here on stackoverflow. The docker-clone
script still needs to be complemented to be more generally useful beyond this project. It is heavily commented, so try it out and see, if it meets your needs. I would welcome any suggestions for improvements.
Database management or fix problems with phpMyAdmin
docker run --rm --link c5_db_1:mysql -p 12345:80 nazarpc/phpmyadmin
Login as MYSQL_USER with your password in MYSQL_PASSWORD.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.