
Mercury package management

Primary LanguageMercuryMIT LicenseMIT


Mercury package management. Companion to https://mercury-in.space/packages/


$ mmc-get update
$ mmc-get list getr

Name             : getr
URL              : https://github.com/jrfondren/getr-mercury.git
Tags             : benchmarking
License          : mit
Builds           : getr
Dependencies     : []
Version Control  : git (releases: head)
FFI              : [c]
Description      : benchmarking wrapper around getrusage

$ mmc-get get getr
Cloning into 'getr'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 14, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (14/14), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Total 24 (delta 4), reused 12 (delta 4), pack-reused 10
Unpacking objects: 100% (24/24), done.

$ cd getr
$ ls
getr.m  LICENSE  Makefile  README.md  rusage.m  spawn.m

At present, mmc-get is good for finding and getting Mercury packages into the current directory, and not much else. It's missing lots of nice-to-have features from typical package managers.

build (assuming a recent release-of-the-day compiler)


build (on Mercury 14.01)

git checkout 14.01-compat


make install

This installs 'mmc-get' into ~/bin


make deploy

This installs 'lint' into ~/bin and 'postpackage' into ~/public_html/packages/ as postpackage.cgi


This is a CLI tool intended to work with hosted package lists.


This is an admin tool for mmc-get's server-side package lists.


This is a bare CGI script that accepts a Mercury term (and thus, not the normal browser submission of an HTML form; this needs to either be input from a non-browser script or an AJAX call) and then appends it to a file.

package.m et al.

These are libraries supporting the above applications.

Private Repos

You can override the default Internet-wide package repo location by setting the MERCURY_PKG_PATH environment variable. This is particularly useful when used with file:// URLs, supporting structuring a project as a set of private components defined in the unreviewed.packages file.
NB: this replaces the usual repo, so if you also want to use public packages ensure that you start from the package definition files on the Internet.


  • postpackage.cgi is not that secure and should, at a minimum, run as an unprivileged user with a filesystem quota.
  • despite any suggestions from name 'mmc-get', it is not an official part of Mercury.