This repo holds deployment and application configuration for the personal servers I run. It's intended for my own purposes, but also meant to be clear and readable enough to be useful as a reference.

Configure admin environment

  1. Install dependencies: terraform and ansible.
    • e.g. on Manjaro: pamac install terraform ansible
  2. Set up Terraform:
    1. Choose a Terraform dev environment. Either
      • use the Terraform CLI, or
      • create a Terraform Cloud account, and set up a workspace linked to this repo.
    2. Set values for sensitive variables
      • Non-sensitive variables are defined in Sensitive ones (which can be identified by looking at the variable definitions in need to be defined.
      • Via CLI: Add a file which sets the variables (this repo's .gitignore is configured not to commit that file)
      • Via Terraform Cloud: use the "Variables" tab of the Workspace page.
    3. Initialize Terraform
      • terraform init
  3. Set up Ansible:
    1. Install Python dependencies
      • pip install passlib[bcrypt] (required for Prometheus node_exporter)
    2. Install Ansible dependencies:
      • ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
    3. Provide the Ansible Vault password in a file named .vault_password in the project root. Ensure its permissions are set to 0600.

Acquire data

  1. uses GoAccess, which uses a GeoIP database. Download GeoLite2-City.mmdb from and place it in the playbooks/roles/ directory.

Provision infrastructure

  1. Invoke Terraform
    • terraform apply
  2. Boostrap newly-created hosts
    • ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml playbooks/bootstrap.yml

Configure services

Set up webhooks for websites served by Caddy

Some sites served by Caddy use GitHub as their Git repo and are configured to receive GitHub webhooks on push to automatically redeploy on push. These webhooks are already configured and the secrets are stored in Vault-encrypted *_webhook_secret variables, but they were originally set up like so:

Execute Ansible playbooks

To fully provision and deploy the site, run the site.yml playbook without tags:

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml --vault-password-file .vault_password playbooks/site.yml

Other tags available are:

  • provision: Install packages and configure hosts
  • deploy: Deploy services on hosts
  • update: Update services on hosts
  • upgrade: Apply host system updates

Storing secrets in Ansible playbooks

Run a command like the following to generate an encrypted string for a secret, suitable for pasting into an Ansible YAML file:

ansible-vault encrypt_string --vault-password-file .vault_password SECRET --name NAME