Soil moisture LoRa sensor (low power)

Based on Microchip SAMD21E17D MCU

Hardware includes:

  • SAMD21E17D MCU
  • LoRa Ra-02 module (Semtech SX1278)
  • AT25DF SPI EEPROM memory
  • SHT20 environment temperature/humidity I2C sensor
  • 2x3.7 LiIon batteries
  • MAX1626 DC-DC

Sensor functionality:

  • RTC
  • Measure temperature/humidity
  • Measure Battery voltage
  • Log data in SPI EEPROM
  • Transfer environment data through LoRa
  • Fetch commands through LoRa
    • transfer environment data
    • adjust RTC
    • transfer logs
    • compress and transfer logs (zLib)
  • Low power consumption
    • Wake up by RTC alarm
    • Wake up by LoRa Interrupt
    • DMA I2C read
    • DMA SPI LoRa read
  • Debug LED self-test


Project can be opened in MPLAB-X, XC32 compiler

Project includes loadable libraries - Makefile has .install script for it