
MADE: Repository for home assignments (Advanced C++ course)

Primary LanguageC++


MADE: Repository for home assignments (Advanced C++ course)

Home assignment #9 - ThreadPool (C++ threads)


  • It is a fixed size thread pool implementation based on std::thread (class ThreadPool)
  • Each thread either executes a task or sleeps
  • New task is added to the pool's queue, after that sleeping threads are notified
  • Awaken thread checks, if there is a task in the queue, extracts it and executes
  • If there is no tasks, thread falls asleep waiting for notification
  • It is required that ThreadPool should have the following interface:
        class ThreadPool
            explicit ThreadPool(size_t poolSize);
             // pass arguments by value
            template <class Func, class... Args>
            auto exec(Func func, Args... args) -> std::future<decltype(func(args...))>;
  • Usage example:
        struct A {};
        void foo(const A&) {}
        ThreadPool pool(8);
        auto task1 = pool.exec(foo, A());
        auto task2 = pool.exec([]() { return 1; });

How to build and run

  • make - to build both vector_pool and vector_pool_test
  • make test - to build and run tests
  • make run - to build and run a simple sample
  • make clean - to clean output
  • ./build/vector_pool - to run a simple sample
  • ./build/vector_pool_test - to run tests

Home assignment #8 - Vector (STL-like implementation)


  • It is a simple STL-like implementation of a template Vector class
  • The following template classes were implemented:
    • Allocator<T> - a simple allocator that supports allocation with new[] and deallocation with delete[]
    • Iterator<T> - a custom random access iterator which supports all methods and traits required by STL
    • Vector<T,Alloc> - a vector class that supports only constructors (with reservation and filling in with default T() or specific value, for std::initializer_list<T>, copy-constructor and move-constructor), destructor, operators (assign and move-assign =, comparison == and !=, []), methods clear, reserve, resize, begin, end, rbegin, rend, push_back, pop_back, empty, size, capacity)
  • To use Vector<T>, it is neccessary to include "Vector.h" header
  • Main functionality is covered by 359 assertions (Header based catch2 library)

How to build and run

  • make - to build both vector and vector_test
  • make test - to build and run tests
  • make run - to build and run a simple sample
  • make clean - to clean output
  • ./build/vector - to run a simple sample
  • ./build/vector_test - to run tests

Home assignment #7 - Format (exceptions)


  • Format function Format(formatStr, args...) was implemented in a way similar to Python/C# formating
  • Arguments should be numberted and included in braces, for example: "{0} + {1} = {3}"
  • According to assignment requirements symbols '{' and '}' cannot be used without parameter
  • Function supports C++ types that can be saved to std::stringstream using << operator
  • Examples:
    • Format(" {0} Bjarne {0} ", "Stroustrup") returns " Stroustrup Bjarne Stroustrup "
    • Format("{0}, {1}, {2}", 4, 'a', "cdf") returns "4, a, cdf"
  • In order to use Format fuction, it neccessary to include "format.h" header file
  • In the case of errors, fuction raizes std::runtime_error exception with appropriate message
  • Main functionality is covered by 60 assertions (Header based catch2 library)

How to build and run

  • make - to build both format and format_test
  • make test - to build and run tests
  • make run - to build and run a simple sample
  • make clean - to clean output
  • ./build/format - to run a simple sample
  • ./build/format_test - to run tests

Home assignment #6 - BigInt class (operations and C++ references)


  • BigInt class supports the followint operation signs
    • unary -
    • binary + and - for both BigInt objects and int
    • comparison operators <, >, <=, >=, ==, != for both BigInt objects and int
  • Different types of references were used in operations to support constant and temporary objects
  • BigInt is based on the own vector implementation (template class DynamicArray) - requirement of assignment
  • BigInt and DynamicArray implement "The rule of 5" (constructor, copy constructor, move constructor, assignment operator, move assignment)
  • The size of BigInt and DynamicArray is limeted by RAM and std::size_t
  • Main functionality is covered by 191 assertions (Header based catch2 library)

How to build and run

  • make - to build both bigint and biging_test
  • make test - to build and run tests
  • make run - to build and run a simple BigInt demo
  • make clean - to clean output
  • ./build/bigint - to run a simple BigInt demo
  • ./build/bigint_test - to run BigInt tests

Home assignment #5 - Serialization and templates


  • Serializer and Deserializer classes are correspodingly for serialization into string and deserialization from it.
  • They support:
    • ostream/istream classes for storing serialization result or loading object from it
    • functional operation () to pass parameters that are serialized
    • can serializer or deserialize objects of any classes that have at least one field and implement serialize method:
    struct Data {
        std::uint64_t a;
        bool b;
        std::uint64_t c;
        template <class Serializer>
        Error serialize(Serializer& serializer) {
            return serializer(a, b, c); // pass fields to serialize or deserialize here
        template <class Serializer>
        Error serialize(Serializer& serializer) const { //this method is required to support constant objects for serialization
            return serializer(a, b, c);
  • Main functionality is covered by 41 assertions (Header based catch2 library)

How to build and run

  • make - to build both serialization and serialization_test
  • make test - to build and run tests
  • make run - to build and run silent serialization demo for example from assigment
  • make clean - to clean output
  • ./build/serialization - to run silent serialization demo
  • ./build/serialization_test - to run serialization tests

Home assignment #4 - Matrix class


  • Matrix class stores integers (int) and supports the following methods and operations:
    • Constructor for std::vector, for zero-filled rows x columns matrix
    • Getters for dimensional sizes of matrix
    • Comparison operations: == and !=
    • Arithmetic operations: <integer_number> * <matrix> and <matrix> * <integer_number>
    • Assignment operations: =, *= <integer_number>
    • Indexing using proxy class: <matrix>[i][j]
  • Matrix class is correctly processed as C++ constant
  • 130 assertions to cover functionality by tests (Header based catch2 library)

How to build and run

  • make - to build both matrix and matrix_test (tests for matrix)
  • make test - to build and run tests
  • make run - to build and run silent matrix demo for example from assigment and constant example
  • make clean - to clean output
  • ./build/matrix - to run silent matrix demo
  • ./build/matrix_test - to run run matrix tests

Home assignment #3 - Tokenizer with callbacks


  • Tokenizer that can parse numerical tokens (sequences of digits), string tokens (sequences of non-whitespaces with at least ony non-digit)
  • Tokenizer supports callbacks to handler the following events:
    • Parse was started
    • Parse was finished
    • Next token of any type was parsed
    • Next numerical token was parsed
    • Next string token was parsed
  • 205 assertions to cover functionality by tests (Header based catch2 library)

How to build and run

  • make - to build both tokenizer and tokenizer_test (tests for tokenizer)
  • make test - to build and run tests
  • make run ARGS="123 word s324d" - to build and run tokenizer with a give string
  • make run - to build and run tokenizer with default string
  • make clean - to clean output
  • ./build/tokenizer "123 word s324d" - to run tokenizer with a given expression
  • ./build/tokenizer_test - to run all tests

Home assignment #2 - LinearAllocator


How to build and run

  • make - to build both allocators_benchmark (benchmark to compare LinearAllocator vs malloc) and allocators_benchmark_test (to test LinearAllocator implementation)
  • make test - to build and run tests
  • make run - to build and run benchmark with default parameters
  • ./allocators_benchmark - to run benchmark with default parameters
  • ./allocators_benchmark -h or ./allocators_benchmark --help - to see help
  • ./allocators_benchmark_test - to run all tests

Home assignment #1 - Calculator

Features of calculator:

  • support of 4 mathematical binary operations (+, -, *, /), one unary (-), parentheses, spaces and tabs
  • 158 assertions to cover functionality by tests (Header based catch2 library)

How to build and run

  • make - to build both calc (calculator) and calc_test (tests for calculator)
  • make test - to build and run tests
  • make run ARGS="123+343" - to build and run calculator with a give expression
  • make run - to build and run calculator with default expression
  • make clean - to clean output
  • ./calc "123+123" - to run calculator with a given expression
  • ./calc_test - to run all tests